The Stark Difference Between Citizenship and Residency by Investment
Now that COVID-19 is still raging the world, you might’ve thought of moving to another country. To another country where they provide premium services, especially in healthcare. You may have thought of giving your family a better future. However, you’re at a loss on what program to choose for. Do you want to apply for a citizenship or residency visa? Allow us to help you by differentiating between citizenship and residency by investment.
The Stark Difference Between Citizenship and Residency by Investment
What is Residency by Investment?
Residency by investment is a program that allows you to obtain a resident visa status in your chosen country through investment. Most often, the host country will require an individual to invest a threshold amount in real estate, treasury bonds, etc, depending on which country you want to apply to.

In return, the government will grant you a resident visa status within months after application. This lets you bypass the lengthy process of obtaining a visa. Both citizenship and residency by investment follow the same process.
The Benefits
The stunning benefits of both citizenship and residency by investment include staying in your preferred country for a longer period of time. You can live in your chosen country to either study, work, or move in for good. For investors, this is the perfect program to engage in business in your chosen country. You and your family also get to enjoy all the privileges of your host country as a foreigner.
This includes access to premium services like healthcare, education, and social services. You also get to travel between your native country and the second country whenever you please. You don’t have to worry about filing visas every time anymore. However, you’re still not eligible for other exclusive rights meant for locals and citizens. Not unless you’ll opt for citizenship by investment.
The Stark Difference
If you want to access to more privileges like that of locals, though, then you should upgrade to citizenship by investment. Becoming a citizen will help you gain more privileges from the country you want to stay in. One of its notable perks is a second passport.
By becoming a citizen, you can have a second passport which will give you access to travel the world with ease. For example, if you want to become a citizen in Cyrus it’ll give you access to travel to over 100+ countries worldwide! This includes traveling and even living in a European Union country! This is one of the major differences between citizenship and residency by investment.
The Right to Suffrage
Another major difference between citizenship and residency by investment is that ex-pats get to practice their voting rights too. This means they can get involved in politics and cast their vote during elections. Aside from practicing your right to vote, you also get the right to own a property.
Some countries don’t allow 100% property ownership to foreigners. However, becoming a citizen naturally solves this problem. So if you plan to own real estate properties in the country you’re staying in, we recommend you choose citizenship by investment.
The Best Citizenship and Residency by Investment Programs
Now that you know the difference between the two, you now have an idea of what program fits for you best. The next thing to look out is which country should you apply for citizenship and residency by investment programs. Well, you’re in luck! Our professional immigration experts can help you! Check out our citizenship and residency by investment programs now.