Countries that offers Citizenship by Investment

Citizenship by Investment is the granting of citizenship status to an individual (and immediate family members) contingent upon a specified and quantifiable investment in the country.

St. Lucia

The Sta. Lucia Citizenship by Investment Program is the newest citizenship program in the Caribbean which started only in January 1, 2016


Dominica’s citizenship by investment program started in 1993. This is run today by the citizenship by investment unit which celebrates success for more than 20 years.

Antigua and Barbuda

The government investment program of Antigua and Barbuda is relatively new in the Caribbean. This was launched only in 2013.


The Malta Individual Investment Program (MIIP) was launched in November 2013. It’s the first citizenship program that has been approved by the European Union.


If you are trying to acquire a European passport, the Cyprus Citizenship by Investment is the fastest and easiest way to go.


Grenada’s citizenship by investment program started in 1997. In 2013, the program was updated under the Citizenship by Investment Act No. 15 which enables applicants to acquire citizenship in just two months.


It was in 2017 when the Turkish Citizenship by Investment was first introduced. The program was amended on September 9, 2018.


The Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment program also known as the Vanuatu Citizenship Development Support Program launched in 2017.


The new economic citizenship scheme announcement for foreign investors happened on Oct 1, 2018. A decision about the program came and set to apply until December 31, 2021.

Why Citizenship by Investment

The Citizenship by Investment industry is a $3 billion global industry, whereas the Residency by Investment industry is a $7 billion global industry, both growing at an impressive rate of 20% every year, giving the much needed boost to the economies of countries running these investment migration programs, as well as creating jobs & reviving real estate markets in these countries.


The increasing awareness and knowledge people now have of countries and/or regions offering economic migration programs such as the european countries offering citizenship by investment


The Business Migration Programs on offer by some countries enable them to travel freely to favoured destinations for business expansion and collaborations, in the process opening up new opportunities and technologies they can have access to.


Being able to avoid costly and time consuming visa applications and act on travel plans very quickly because of the large number of countries to which these programs allow visa-free travel, is a major factor in favour of such programs.


Residency & Citizenship investment migration programs offer HNI investors an option to diversify their investment portfolio and engage in more prudent wealth management.


Some of the countries which offer Residency and Citizenship Programs are amongst the most exotic, beautiful, safest and healthiest places on the planet, also offering visa free travel to a very large number of countries in the world.

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